Join Our Staff

Welcome, Prospective & Returning Staff
Thank you for your interest in working at the Windridge Tennis and Sports Camps. We are looking for talented sports enthusiasts who enjoy meeting and becoming friends with other athletes from all over the US and many foreign countries. It takes a very special type of person to be willing to commit your time and energy to coaching, playing, and living with children. It’s a great life and an unforgettable experience, and we hope you join the Windridge team.
Our dynamic counselors are handpicked based upon their ability and/or their experience in teaching others. Many are involved in some form of competitive play, have great coaching experience, or are busy studying some form of sports degree. With so much talent in one place, your abilities and knowledge will improve too.
As a prospective staff member, you should know that working at camp is extremely rewarding, while at the same time very demanding. We expect a great deal from our staff. The safety of the children and quality of instruction are primary concerns. We want you to apply, but only if you understand that for a short period of time, a camp counselor becomes a “parent” to a group of children whose parents have entrusted us with their care. Like parenting, the responsibility can seem overwhelming at times. Like parenting, if you love children and are willing to give to them, they will give back to you a thousand times over and you may have “the best summer of your life”! As a group, we take this commitment seriously, energetically, and with a youthful spirit.
Being a camp counselor can be one of the most rewarding jobs you will ever have. You will meet staff and campers from around the world and have the chance to make a positive impact on their lives. The varied jobs you do as a camp counselor will prepare you for many future endeavors, making you more marketable in the workplace. You will learn interpersonal skills, develop teaching and technical skills in your area and gain a great deal of experience in managing and organizing yourself.
The amazing benefits of a summer at Windridge can only be fully realized after camp. The genuine friendships made at Windridge continue throughout the year, sparked by every letter and e-mail a counselor receives from a mate, whether from the same state or from around the world. The Windridge experience is a special one and cannot be compared to any other.