Daily Schedule

A typical day at Windridge offers a wide variety of activities. Our daily schedule has four periods in the morning and four in the afternoon. We combine two periods together to create a major block for our major periods in tennis, soccer and horseback riding. The golf major is limited to 16 campers and is a four-period block.
All campers must select at least one major. They may select multiple majors or two majors in one sport. The rest of the periods are filled with our extensive elective choices. Campers are allowed to change their schedule each day, so they can try a variety of activities and schedule time with their friends. Each evening we offer different programs that involve all campers, either as a whole or in age-appropriate groups.
Some of our elective options are archery, arts & crafts, basketball, dance, improv, golf, hiking, mountain biking, swimming, stable management, lacrosse, and more.
Below is our daily schedule.
Time | Activity | |
7:30 AM | Wake-Up Call | |
7:45-8:15 AM | Breakfast | |
8:45-9:30 AM PERIOD ONE |
First Major (Double Period) |
or First Elective |
9:40-10:25 AM PERIOD TWO |
Second Elective | |
10:35-11:20 AM PERIOD THREE |
Second Major (Double Period) |
or Third Elective |
11:30-12:15PM PERIOD FOUR |
Fourth Elective | |
12:15-1:00 PM | Lunch | |
1:00-2:00 PM | Rest Hour | |
2:00-2:45 PM PERIOD FIVE |
Third Major (Double Period) |
or Fifth Elective |
2:55-3:40 PM PERIOD SIX |
Sixth Elective | |
3:40-3:50 PM | Snack | |
3:50-4:35 PM PERIOD SEVEN |
Fourth Major (Double Period) |
or Seventh Elective |
4:45-5:30 PM PERIOD EIGHT |
Eighth Elective | |
5:30-6:15 PM | Rest Hour | |
6:30-7:15 PM | Dinner | |
7:30-9:00 PM | Evening Activity | |
Lower Camp (8-10) | Cabins | |
9:00 PM | Back to Cabins | |
Middle Camp (11-12) | Basketball / Volleyball Court | |
9:30 PM | Back to cabins | |
Upper Camp (13-15) | Dining Hall Area | |
10:15 PM | All Quiet |